FUNHI, is an organization dedicated to strengthening the links between art and the community; For this, it has sought to generate dynamics and work methodologies to carry out projects, evading traditional systems of cultural administration. Achieving exhibitions, workshops and conferences of international quality and free for the community.
These work methodologies have been consistent with the production of a wide group of artists, curators, administrators and people linked to the production of Contemporary Art, who, like FUNHI, develop in their daily life systems that cross political, economic, and political borders, cultural, taking advantage of the resources that the world today offers.
FUNHI, in its functional and administrative axis, has been developed with the work management of three women: Gloria I. Roa, in the administrative area, Katherine Martínez takes care of the legal aspects and Yohanna M Roa FUNHI’s director.

Yohanna M. Roa • Director
She is a transdisciplinary visual artist and an art historian with a feminist approach. She is a candidate for a doctorate in the history and critical theory of art program of the Iberoamerican University of Mexico.She is currently studying the Women’s and Gender Studies MA Program – At the Graduate Center New York City 2019. She has a master’s degree in Visual Arts from the Autonomous University of Mexico and a degree in Visual Arts from INDEBA – Colombia.
As an artist he has exhibited individually and collectively in: La Bodega Gallery NY, Galería Valenzuela Klener Bogotá Colombia, Museo Raúl Anguiano Guadalajara, ARTBO – Arte Cámara Colombia, Mc Nay Museum in San Antonio Texas USA, Plattform Art Fair Zur Präsentation Von Kunstinitiativenin Karlsruhe plus internationale Gäste Germany She has been the director of the FUNHI since 2008.

Gloria Inés Roa • Admin
She is a business administrator and radio professional with 40 years of experience. She has been General Manager of Impera Abogados since 2006. She was deputy manager of Todelar Radio 1992- 2006. From Grupo Radial Colombiano 1988 – 1992 years. She worked in the council and in the Social Welfare of Bogotá, was a fiscal reviewer for the Bogotá District Comptroller. She has extensive knowledge in the production of events, artistic, cultural and recreational, at the regional and national level.
Throughout her professional career, she has developed projects jointly with: the Cali City Hall, The Valle del Cauca Governorate, the Colombian Army, The National Police.
All of them aimed at improving the quality and living conditions of the communities in general. Through her leadership in the media, many radio professionals, such as operators, broadcasters, and journalists, were trained under her tutelage. She has been on the Board of Directors of the FUNHI since 2008.

Katherine Martinez • Lawyer
She is a lawyer with twenty years of experience in the area of Labor Law and Social Security. She is a specialist in Occupational Health from the Javeriana University, Social Security Specialist from the Externado de Colombia University, Specialist in Labor Law and Industrial Relations from the Externado de Colombia University, Lawyer from the Santiago de Cali University.
Legal Director of the radio program En Todo tu Derecho that has been broadcast for 18 years by Todelar for Valle del Cauca and Cundinamarca. Legal Director of the radio program En Todo tu Derecho which has been broadcast for 18 years by Todelar for Valle del Cauca and Cundinamarca. She is the vice principal of the Fundación Humana Integral since 2008.
All of them have in common a clear interest in establishing horizontal relationships, arising from links with the context, with the aim of making artwork, as a transforming agent of relationships between communities and their natural and social environment.
Each of the members has developed projects of different orders with FUNHI and in a constant way, they advise and contribute to the evolution of the work that we carry out.

Filmmaker and Writer.
He studied Law at UNAM and Cinematography at South Western College and the University of San Diego in California. As a director in 2007 he obtained the audience award in Trieste, Italy and as a video artist he is part of the collection of the Skisserna Museum in Stockholm, Sweden and private collections in Europe and America. He has worked as a teacher and workshop worker at different universities in Mexico, South America and the United States. He has written scripts for television, cinema and has published Abztario poemario and Zetaz script cinema. His last two documentaries are: Anarchists on the Border and Ayac Nicam Nemiz. He has directed the entire FUNHI line of film and video since 2008.

Curator and Art Critic
PhD in Social Sciences and Humanities from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Cuajimalpa, CDMX. Winner of the University Merit Medal 2017. She has organized national and international cultural events, exhibitions, symposia, conferences and meetings with Mexican, Latin American and European visual artists. Since 2001, as curator, she has held around 50 group exhibitions and 8 individual exhibitions. As an art critic, she has written constantly for more than a decade, in media such as Armas y Letras, Art Nexus, Letras Libres, Velocidad Critica. Author of the book “El arte contemporáneo revisitado en Monterrey” (“Contemporary art revisited in Monterrey) Published by CONARTE, 2010. Her research areas are the archive, memory, artistic practices and politics.

Architect – Alternatives Technologies
Originally from Yucatan, she currently lives in Mexico City where she chairs the Grupo de Tecnología Alternativa S.C. (GTA) founded by herself in the late 70’s. Architect of the TEC de Monterrey 1965, she received the Al Saber Award from her generation of architects. She carried out Postgraduate Studies at La Sorbonne, Paris with Prof. Claude Levi-Strauss with whom she developed her interest in urban anthropology. Later he studied Regional Planning at University College London, U.K. where she obtained a Master in Sciences in 1972. It is here that she is part of the Alternative Technologies Movement and advocates for this discipline, in which she continues to work. She has professional experience in France, England, Portugal and Cape Verde, focused above all on the re-conceptualization of housing as a productive social center, introducing alternative technologies manageable by the community.

Video – Filmaker – Curator
Ilitator of self-representation film and video workshops with marginalized communities at risk, in Canada, Colombia, Panama, Peru, and Brazil, and the organization of film festivals, cultural activities, curatorial film projects, and most recently the formation of converSalon collective a collaborative project supported by collective labour and desire for community, engaging in an economy of exchange of knowledge and care, and does not receive public funding.The idea is to have fun, share food, and engage with critical ideas, to create non-institutional ways of showing artists’ projects. His contributions to the field are multiple. He has managed to insert a racial discourse into the white experimental filmmaking canon of North America and Europe. He has brought together radical forms with radical content—consistently finding new ways to bring lineages of formal work into the lives of marginalized subjects rarely seen in artist’s movies. He has refashioned the form of the political documentary, using expanded cinema and multiple-screen sculptural installations. More info

María Angélica Palma Rodríguez
Nahaua indigenous communicator and thinker, she is originally from San Pedro Atocpan, Mexico, graduated from the Philosophy career at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of UNAM. With 20 years of work experience in the private and public sphere. She works with transdisciplinary communities around the production of projects for resilience, the environment, indigenous languages and cultures, based on visual and technological languages. She is a founding partner and director of Calpulli Tecalco ONG, an organization established for the conservation of the environment and indigenous cultures. She currently developing the project Más Por Nosotros, an organization formed for the mitigation and compensation of environmental impact

Maritza Alvarez
Maritza Alvarez is a Colombian Visual artist based in Brooklyn. Passionate about graphic design, devoted embroidery lover and object hunter to tell new stories. Her practice meets at the intersection of these creative disciplines. Photography, drawing, bright colours, collage, mix media, (digital and analogue) are a big part of her visual language.
Mari studied Fine Arts at ASAB (Superior Academy of Arts of Bogotá – Distrital University) and Visual Arts at Los Andes University with a minor in Art management in Colombia.
Maritza is a creative entrepreneur. She co-founded La Peluqueria (Hairdresser Salon- Colombia) a unique contemporary art space. Toc – Toc Studio, focus on bringing Art experiences to Children in socially disadvantaged conditions. She was nominated to the British Council Young Creative Entrepreneur Colombia in 2014.
In New York, Maritza co-founded Jaguartlab.com, an art studio dedicated to producing tailor-made projects, provide art handling services and promote contemporary art practices.